Did you know that...

...the reason why Venus is very hot is because of the composition of its atmosphere? It is also the hottest planet on the Solar System, not Mercury even though it is the closest planet to the Sun. The reason for this is because Venus' atmosphere is filled to the brim with carbon dioxide, a potent greenhouse gas, which therefore traps any heat that enters it.

Source: Wikipedia

What is Astronomy?

Astronomy is the study of everything in the universe beyond Earth's atmosphere. That includes objects we can see with our naked eyes, like the Sun , the Moon , the planets, and the stars . It also includes objects we can only see with telescopes or other instruments, like faraway galaxies and tiny particles.

jupiter moon enceladus

Life Beyond Earth?

Enceladus, one of Jupiter's moons, has been found to be geologically active. Recently, it has also been discovered that a dormant ocean lies deep within the planet. This gives us one insight, what are the odds of a foreign life birthing below this cold planet?

picture of an exoplanet

A Second Home

A star system called Trappist-1, located 40.7 light-years, has been discovered to be inhabited with many planets, some of which belongs in the Goldilocks Zone, a radial zone around a star where in the temperature is just right for life to exist. Trappist-1 may seem to be an ideal replacement of ours, however one may forget that even a single lightyear might take for humanity's fastest vehicle, Voyager 1, roughly 18000 years to travel.

largest star uy scuti

Hey Scuti, What's your size, bruh?

UY Scuti is the largest star ever observed. It has a volume nearly five billion times greater than that of our Sun. If UY Scuti were to replace our Sun right now, the entire terrestrial planets would be engulfed up until Jupiter's orbit.